The Momentum Life Project

S5E9: On taking back control and launching a movement



Ask me 10 years ago if I’d be running a business (let alone on my second business) and I’d have looked at you as if you had gone mad. Ask me 2 years ago if I’d have a weekly podcast and I would have I’d have laughed in your face. Ask me 6 months ago if my bubbling dream of creating a membership community to inspire and to support people to take back control and design the life they truly want to be living would be launched by now - I’d have given you all of the reasons why it couldn’t be. BUT… It is here!… The Momentum Movement - the passion project, the true work I have been wanting to bring to the world for SO long, that I thought would still be many, many months if not years off IS OFFICIALLY LIVE AND OPEN FOR YOU. It’s the program that I wish I had when going through so many struggles of stress and overwhelm and burnout and feeling like ‘success’ (that mythical word) was so close but yet so far. Knowing that there was more potential inside of me, but having no clue about how to unlock it and let it all