Sermons By Ed

Jeremiah: Weeping prophet to a wayward people



Sermons By Ed Ep. 31: Jeremiah Ed Underwood   The Book of Jeremiah (Yahweh establishes)—Weeping prophet to a wayward people Jeremiah’s message to Judah— Forsake idolatry and self-rule and return to covenant with your faithful God . If you don’t, God will not stop the im- pending judgment (loss of land, rule, & captivity). Yet in the end, there is hope—God will establish a new glorious covenant where He will remake and reestablish the people of God forever! Setting: Jeremiah is inserted in the turbulent years surrounding the decline of Assyria and the rise of the Babylonian Empire (627-582 [Jeremiah 1:2-3]).The backdrop is the rule of Josiah’s three sons and grandson (Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin & Zedekiah), the last four rulers of Judah. The nation’s independ- ence was ending and Jeremiah would witness the destruction of the city and the Temple. Jeremiah suffered for the message God gave him: whipped and put in stocks (20:2), accused of treason and desertion (26, 37:11-16), plotted against