Fittech With Kay

FTWK 003 | Lose It Real Good



App of the week: The Lose It app. Set a daily calorie budget, track food and exercise. This app is free and available in the APP store for your iphone and ipad and the google play store for adroid users. Size 15.9mb In-app purchase of $39.99 for use of a 1 year premium features. Sync to Nike Fule, Fitbit, Up by Jawbone, Nike Running, Runkeeper and MapMyFitness. Cardiovascular Health You all probably know how great aerobic activity is for your heart, body and mind. After all, regular cardio exercise has been shown to reduce body fat, decrease total cholesterol, boost mood, lower resting heart rate, and improve heart and lung function. It's almost like a magic "health" pill when you think about! How does one particular thing go from "activity" to "cardio?" It just has to meet two principles. The first is intensity: It only counts as cardio when you elevate your heart rate into an aerobic zone, which is 55% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. You can calculate your target heart rate here. Simply check your pu