Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Amber McReynolds – Transforming Our Election Systems across Our Nation, and Co-Author of When Women Vote – Episode 154



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to introduce you to Amber McReynolds, who is transforming our election systems across our nation! In this Episode: How pandemic is exposing our election systems across our nations What elections solutions work How Amber helps this problem right now Why Amber wrote her book “When Women Vote” How the young generations will know the stories of women who fought for our right to vote a hundred years ago and how can we get these stories out so that they don't get lost for that generation Amber McReynolds is one of the country’s leading experts on election administration and policy, and co-author of the book “When Women Vote,” released in January 2020. Amber is the CEO for the National Vote At Home Institute and Coalition and is the former Director of Elections for Denver, Colorado. During her time there, she transformed the elections division into a national and international award-winning office. She has proven that designing pro-voter policies, voter-c