Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Rikka Zimmerman – Opening up to the energy of “receiving” to make a bigger impact on the world! – Episode 153



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you this extraordinary woman - Rikka Zimmerman - Opening up to the energy of "receiving" to make a bigger impact on the world! Rikka Zimmerman will be joining us as a Keynote Speaker at my sixth Annual Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference in Golden, CO on November 5-7. Rikka will be an expansive energetic gift of love as we bring 2020 to a close. Just what all of our souls will be needing, as we open up to the possibilities of 2021! In this Episode: Rikka’s advice on how to shift fear into love Hear out Rikka’s journey from a 250 thousand dollar a year company to over a million in a very short year How Rikka really open up energetically when it comes to business and stepping into that receiving mode How Rikka helps people raise their vibrations. What are some tools she uses? How did Rikka shift her energy from running $250K a year business into a $10-million business What Rikka felt, saw, and experienced when she was making a leap into t