Albany Grove

The Heart of a Child



When my kids were little and one offended the other I used to tell them, "Say you're sorry." I bet you've used this same line, or your parents used it on you. And then my kids - just like I did when I was their age would say, "sorry." Usually this was without feeling, without contrition, without even turning towards the other or any eye contact.If this was success for me as a parent then my goal, it would seem, was to train my children in behaving a certain way without needing to put any heart into it. In reality, I was teaching my kids a behavior when I wish they had a heart transformation.For many of us our Christianity operates at this level. And while that may be alright when you are a child (or a child in the faith), it's not an acceptable way of looking at life as a mature person, or a mature follower of Jesus. So this week we'll be opening our Bibles and talking real heart transformation - how that is possible in our lives and how we create an environment in our homes that leads this way.