Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 72, How to Change Your Relationships to Drink Less



Relationships are one of our biggest 'triggers' to over-drinking. We get so worked up in our relationships that when we feel frustrated or annoyed or pissed we tend to drink at the end of the day to take the edge off those feelings. I coach women DAILY on relationships and help them see how they are thinking about their relationship that leads to them over-drinking. Work relationships, romantic relationships, parental relationships, kid relationships. We have so many thoughts about how people should behave ESPECIALLY when they do things we don't agree with. When we have these 'should of...' or 'I would NEVER do...' or 'i can't believe they...' thoughts we feel NEGATIVE emotions. And when we feel these high vibration feelings they often drive us to go pour a glass or 4 of wine. What I want you to know is that those thoughts ARE OPTIONAL. If you are judging what they said or did or didn't do it makes YOU feel bad, not them. And then you do things that don't support the life you want to have