Movements With Steve Addison

220-David Garrison on the 12 Characteristics of a Movement Leader



David Garrison’s 12 characteristics of Movement Leaders: They have a Magnificent Obsession: Movement leaders "see it before they see it." They have a "My People syndrome": They adopt an unreached people group as their own people. They have a WIGTake (What's It Gonna Take?) worldview rather than a "What am I good at?" way of thinking. They are lateral thinkers: They learn from failures and keep seeking another way to solve problems. They never take no for an answer when it comes to reaching their people for Jesus. Ruthless evaluation: The strategy and tactics change as they pursue the vision. They set aside things that don't work. They recognize this is God's work, not their work. They see themselves as the ant that rides the elephant across a river. They know how the story ends. The promise of Revelation 5:9 is true. It's not about them. It's about God's glory and seeing Christlikeness multiply among unreached people. God can hit straight with a crooked stick. Movement leaders don't fall f