Journey Church, West Chester

Forgiveness - Wk 4 Fully You



Matthew 18:3, 35 Matthew 6:12, 14-15 Simplistic Motives: Unless I forgive others, I will not be forgiven. I will forgive others so that I can be forgiven. Better Understanding: Until I forgive others, I won't be able to receive forgiveness. The Slave: The slave has been offered forgiveness, but he has note accepted forgiveness. Defense Mechanisms: Rationalization, Denial, Displacement/Projection Mature Motives: Accepting forgiveness enables me to offer forgiveness. The more I realize my need for forgiveness, the more I will be able to forgive others. Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you. -Robert Fulghum Grudges and grievances prevent you from being happy, making your life a living hell. Forgiveness heals, clean the slate and unburdens you. It sets you free. Key Learnings for the Day: 1. Let go of your past. 2. Release other from the hurts they have cause you. 3. Live in faithfulness.