Journey Church, West Chester

1 - Contentment



“Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.” - Benjamin Franklin 1 Timothy 6:6-10 NLT “Money in itself is neither good nor bad; it is simply dangerous in that the love of it may become bad. With money a man can do much good; and with money he can do much evil. With money a man can selfishly serve his own desires; and with money he can generously answer to the cry of his neighbor’s need. With money a man can buy his way to the forbidden things and facilitate the path of wrong-doing; and with money he can make it easier for someone else to live as God meant him to live. Money is not an evil, but it is a great responsibility.” - William Barclay 3 QUESTIONS TO TEST YOUR HEART 1) Are you content in your circumstances? 2) Are you actively guarding against greed? 3) Are you being generous?