Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 69: Friday Five With Patricia Moreno



"Your Ideas Are Unique, Go Explore Them And Take Them Out Into The World" Patricia Moreno Patricia believes that a strong body is a requirement for a great life. When we move we create more energy, have increased vitality and a strong body will be the vehicle that will carry us into our dreams. Are you working so hard, or working out so hard, that the joy and enthusiasm have been stripped away? Patricia reminded us that it is our joy and our gratitude that will bring out the beauty in our life. Notice the next time you go to the gym or exercise – how are you feeling – before – during and after? Do you feel energized or depleted after the workout and before you start do you feel excited or already exhausted? Check in to make sure that your workout is a sense of motivation instead of deprivation. How do you measure your self-worth? Patricia talked about how that in the past she measured her worth by her weight and I know many women who struggle with the same metrics. Notice this week how many times you look in