Liquid Church

Doubts & Questioning Faith | Surviving The Dip, Part 1



Have you ever experienced a dip in your faith that caused you to question God or experience doubt? If you ever wrestle with trusting God when life is hard, good news: You’re in a prime position to grow! In this message by Tim Lucas, Lead Pastor of Liquid Church, we learn practical steps Christ-followers can take to lean in during the dips of doubt. Your crisis of belief can actually create new spiritual momentum that leads you into an even deeper trust in God. Pastor Tim introduces us to wisdom from Habakkuk chapter 1 in the Old Testament of the Bible. In this chapter, the minor prophet Habakkuk wrestled with God: Questioning God when everything in his world seemed upside down. This is a message about wrestling with God in “the dip'' - the place where we have a crisis of belief and wonder “Can God really be trusted?” We learn that the dip of doubt and questioning faith is not to be avoided, but rather, it is to be embraced. Our seasons of suffering and waiting on God can lead us into a new season of hope, fai