The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

A Statement



Tomorrow I have an awesome episode headed your way, and that is part two of my conversation with Jason Crystal, but today I need take a moment to use the platform and privilege I have to denounce police brutality.  So here’s my statement. I have an obligation as a white person to use my voice to speak truth and use the tools I have at my disposal for change. Mike and I are both life long New Yorkers, and the pain we see in the streets of this city right now is much like the pain seen all through our nation.  Systemic racism uses silence as a tool to further harm the black men, women, children, and trans people who are already being harmed and killed every day in this country for the color of their skin, with little to no justice. I want you to know we are with you in the fight to see justice is served. After years of deep diving in a show like Hamilton, I have a responsibility to put the lessons we have learned from it to good use. Nothing comes from no one knowing where you stand.  We need to say these thing