Monsters Who Murder: Serial Killer Confessions

S07E04 Todd Kohlhepp Pt 2 PLUS Metro Detroit Serial Killer & Billy Chemirmir



This week we return to our psychological profile of Todd Kohlhepp, who was convicted of murdering seven people in South Carolina between 2003 and 2016.In our last episode we examined the police interview with Kohlhepp where the focus was on his spree killing inside Superbike Motorsports where he took the lives of four people.In this episode we’ll look at how he transitioned into a serial our news section; - Accused Metro Detroit serial killer shoots himself in the head during confrontation with police - Suspected Serial Killer Billy Chemirmir Faces Two More Charges - Debunked! Amanda reveals the true stats about serial killers and their star signs Support this show  See for privacy and opt-out information.