Sermons By Ed

Amos: Burden Bearer



Amos: Burden Bearer Amos’s message to Israel: Repent of your idolatry, self-sufficiency, and exploitation of the poor and seek the Lord God of Hosts and live! 782BC 767 753 722-721 612 606 597 586 536 516 457 445BC Amos 9:11-15 describes the restoration of Israel and the royal house of David. They will be planted again in the land. Setting: The Book of Amos was written by a rancher/farmer and by his own confession— “was no prophet, nor was I a son of a prophet” (7:14). Sent from Judah (Tekoa, 1:1), Amos was called by God to confront Israel during one of its most prosperous and self- sufficient times. Uzziah and Jeroboam had formed an alliance and ruled an areas as large as the empires of David and Solomon. The Jehu dynast was one of the longest dynasties of the North and Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon were relatively weak at this time. Amos probably prophesied from 767-753 BC (40 years prior to the exile of Israel [the northern kingdom] by the Assyrians). Structur