Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

DTD Episode 101 - Helen's beat down!



G' day from Uluru. Bit late on parade this week as our perambulations continue. Aunty Jean wants your spit for good reason and Roifield says a bong never hurt anyone. Lucy makes an Easter prediction which I doubt will happen as I do not think Helen can do anything without Henry - she could not leave her son with Rob. Listen to the podcast to find out what happens, according to Lucy, whilst the village hall opening is in progress (not Lower Loxley). Glyn Fullelove started talking about belly buttons for some reason - my hearing was distorted by plane noises - but he was going on about inners & outers! Roifield & Lucy disagree over the women in The Archers. I have to side with Roifield as it is the men who are poorly written. I bet Lucy would like to spend time in the lingerie dept at Underwoods - simple jealousy. The missing village shop gossip was also identified - the failing of this Editor has been laid bare for all to see. Bring back the Real Ambridge. Millie Belle provides her usual wonder