Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

DTD - Episode 92 - The best week ever in Ambridge and Andrew Horn returns



Andrew Horn returns as Roifield has headed off to Canada. Andrew Horn caused a heart attack as he repeated comments I had made in another forum about the anaerobic digester and the rest of Berrow Farm - I covered all of this in umra and I agree it was important. Andrew also raised the paternity test - I went back to the recording to prove that Dr Locke had indeed taken the DNA sample. What the programme needs is an archivist who knows what is going on and checks the continuity. There was no "DNA Tester" as credited it WAS Dr Locke. Allan Carr, sorry R Brown, did a first time call in. He liked last week's Archers with three heartwarming couples interacting. The Brian / Jenny conversation was particularly liked. Andrew found David annoying this week for being sulky. For Andrew and / or Lucy's benefit historically Jennifer was a trained teacher well before she became pregnant with Adam - she went to West Midlands Training College in Walsall. It is now part of Birmingham University. Lucy reveals...