Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

DTD - Episode 91 - The 65th anniversary



Another bout of exquisite commentary on our favourite radio fly on the wall document as our hosts return from their Christmas break. Following Lucy's entertaining exposition of the events in the last two weeks Roifield provides a diatribe (from Canada) on the content of the anniversary show - all agree the subject matter needed to be covered - but it was the wrong subject for the episode concerned especially given the promotion the episode was given by some mysterious marketing department seeking listeners as so many have been lost by a particular story. The recently published character appearance statistics are discussed and the transition to the next generation is under way with Pip being the second most heard person this year. More of the younger generation need to come to the fore in the next 12 months. Andrew Horn asks for the Kosmo view on the Brookfield changes. Kosmo thinks that spring calving is nonsense because of the spring lambing; birthing both at the same time is going to lead to some... &#