Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

DTD 88 - The Mid Sussex Brass Band rock the house!



Barwick Green rang out across the swimming pool in Thailand, courtesy of the Mid Sussex Brass Band, including the Doom section! Lucy noted that Ruth is keen on cows and life again (on the other side of the world) whilst David is on the point of selling them and then she quoted an entire "Round the Horne" script. Elizabeth is about to inherit a second of Shula's exes in the form of DDD - the Deadly Doc Dick! Ro.i.field wants a DTD without any mention of Roy & Helen as it is now unbalancing the podcast as much as the original docu-drama, although he had missed at least one episode. The personality transplant fairy is spending a bit too much time in Ambridge with not enough character consistency; this is inevitable on TV but hopefully avoided on The Archers. Homeland was held up as an example to follow. Lucy predicted that Ian and Adam would not get married next week; with the potential for Rob to cause mischief and Charlie's infatuation with bollocks, at least I think that is what she said. And we al