Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 82 – Rob revisionism and Amy Gilbert



This week Peter Stirk sponsored the podcast on behalf of WaterAid – please support them. During Lucy’s monologue I think she implied that Miranda is not funny – so I am not the only one. Ed needs luck and some financial collateral. Lucy has forgotten that Helen saw Ian a few weeks ago when the coven were meeting at Gay Grables, although he has vanished since. The South Kensington Lycee always had the best looking girls when I lived in the area – and Roifield confirmed that little has changed! Roifield also highlighted (thank you) the way Kenton suddenly recovered his mental health – an unbalanced approach by not treating the story with equal handedness. Can the New Year bring more equal treatment to all stories please? Lucy has promised to arrive at the DTD meal in Lady Godiva style having confirmed her assets are in good order. Meanwhile Millie Belle has discovered boffing. The last 20 minutes is the story of Amy Gilbert:...  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and