Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 81 – Two calls Ducks, Geese and Greece



A multi-national Dum Tee Dum opened the show which this week was sponsored by Water Aid. Speakpipe might be playing up – so calls were limited this week. As a result Roifield was desperately filling – linking tv zombies to botulism and salmonella in chicken where with some surprise he could reveal that the incidence of salmonella in US chickens is decreasing. Sounded like a ramble in the countryside for me. K J England blames Rob for hiding Scruff in the silage – but this is pretty unlikely as the silage was made after the flood. So Rob is probably innocent on this count and was exonerated by both Lucy and Roifield. Much of the episode descended into discussion of preparing future episodes whilst unclothed – something for which Roifield declared he was all up for it. Nakedness was also key to the tweet of the week. Johns the tenth and eleventh were appointed. And in recognition of JoJo Sexy Heels there will be no more shop news until after...  See acast.com/privacy for p