Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 77 – Nigel – Graham Seed



Nigel’s voice returned to our ears as Graham Seed joined our DTD hosts. Lucy’s monologue concentrated on the mystic powers of ginger biscuits which had circulated among the Ambridge residents this week. Lucy beautifully questioned Graham who commented that Nigel was a rounded character that involved a lot of his own personality and then replayed his own death scene and murder at the hand of David. As for Lizzie dallying with Trade! There remains huge public recognition of the loss suffered as well as the resulting publicity. The influences of William Smethurst and Mary Wimbush were mentioned as was Tim Beecham. Millie Belle is in the USA meeting TA/DTD correspondents. Watch out for dumtee d’infants taking over the world. Kosmo in a very wet Sicily E-mailTwitter