Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 72 – Kenton gets the sympathy vote



Welcome to the weekly roundup on Archerdom. Lucy was depressed by an unremitting prozac driven week when the village hall fell down alongside the flooding, the loneliness, the blackmailing, the lying, the sobbing from Jill, the ranting from Kenton, the domestic abuse, alcoholism, depression and bankruptcy all of which made this week the week you wanted to stick your head in a gas oven (only that doesn’t work any longer). Bleak does not even cover it. Lots of callers. Rob is called many, many names whilst Helen has turned into a moron (© Lucy who then went on to point out how conflicted Helen is over everything in her life, so can never be at rest). The consensus view on Kenton is starting to soften and Witherspoon kindly provided a full analysis of his clinical depression which touched Lucy deeply and her bravery was outstanding. The marked silence of Ambridge children in the school holidays was noted. To offset some of the criticism it was admitted that...  See acast.com/privacy for privacy a