Research At The National Archives And Beyond!

The Henry McNeal Turner Project with Dr. Andre E. Johnson



Learn about the digital humanities project dedicated to the writings and study of Bishop Henry Mcneal Turner. Andre E. Johnson is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies in the Department of Communication & Film at the University of Memphis. He teaches classes in African American Public Address, Rhetoric, Race, Religion, and Interracial Communication. Dr. Johnson is the founding director of the Henry McNeal Turner Project—a digital humanities project dedicated to the writings and study of Bishop Turner. In addition, he has published two monographs on the life and legacy of Bishop Turner. The first one “The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition (Lexington Books, 2012) won Outstanding Book Award for the African American Communication and Culture Division of the National Communication Association. The second one, “No Future in this Country: The Prophetic Pessimism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (University Press of Mississippi, 2020) is schedu