Soul Sayers

Let That Sh#t Go



Issues and expectations! Frustration and anticipation! For every woman out there who's done enough fretting, fussing, crying, yelling, and cussing! If you're done killing yourself trying to fix it, tired of carrying it, and over talking about it, then there's only one thing to do... And can I just say that not knowing how to let things go and let them be is THE greatest hindrance to your peace and your growth! Yeah, you are ready to be free. You deserve to be.  "What’s the evolutionary understanding? To cease holding on to feelings, emotions, ideas, concepts, people., accidents, and especially my own bullshit…that doesn’t move me or someone else forward. Let go of anything that doesn’t enrich my spirit gets me excited or sets my soul on fire." Soul Sayers is a Spiritual Wellness Practice focusing on your spiritual growth and connection in combination with life coaching principles. I've developed a 4-step methodology that transforms old mindsets, unproductive routines and habits, and helps you silence your Inn