Coach Sze Wing Podcast

68. Hero Journey 101: Where are you?



What is a Hero Journey? You may have read about it from movie reviews or in creative writing articles or classes. The term was first penned by the late mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book “Hero with a Thousand Faces”.After studying many years of myths across different cultures and ages, Campbell recognized a pattern or structure of the myths and he created the term a Hero journey to describe the transformation our hero experienced before reaching his ultimate destination. From a spiritual perspective, a Hero Journey is a Soul Adventure. Our life story can be viewed as an adventure with challenges, lessons, tears, laughter and probably most importantly, opportunities for growth to become more than who we are.  Many Hollywood movies have followed this structure of storytelling. Most notably is perhaps The Star Wars (George Lucas has publicly acknowledged Campbell on many occasions as his mentor in storytelling), the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potters, they all have the Hero Journey structure in them.