Coach Sze Wing Podcast

66. Goddess Wisdom: Use Law of Attraction for Deliberate Creation



Recently I have been trying out a “feeling good” experiment. The idea is very simple, I try to enjoy everything I do, no matter how small or trivial it may seem. Unless I feel good emotionally, I don’t begin the task as I consider myself “not ready" yet. And when I am on the task, I actually enjoy what I am doing. This may sound counterproductive, but in fact, it didn't “waste” any more time than how I used to procrastinate or dragging on. I found myself completing my tasks quicker and enjoy them a lot more.  The Law of Attraction I played with this "feeling good" experiment for a couple of fo reasons: 1.) I want to become more present and deliberately to appreciate all the good things around me.  This is all sparked by an impulse or more accurately I was being reminded about the law of attraction. I know there are things in my life that I managed to achieve, attract or attain effortlessly or with joyous effort. But there are things I just never seem to move beyond. It’s like fighting the current