Guided Meditations By Dr. Andrea Pennington

Day 14: Self-compassion is a challenge ~ Tara Brach



“awakening self-compassion is often the hardest challenge people face on the spiritual path.” ~ TaraBrach |We must embrace our darkness to shine fully. When we step onto the path toward becoming our best self, we open our eyes, hearts and minds to seeing ourselves deeply, from the inside-out. Beginning or deepening our spiritual journey involves coming face-to-face with the darkest aspects of our personalities. Embracing the wholeness and breadth of who we really are means we recognize the light and dark parts of our personality and behavior. As a whole being we have the potential for every type of thought and action - both good and bad - and everything in between. Rather than run from these shaky feelings we are invited to sit with them, observe and contemplate them, and eventually watch them fade away as they are replaced with tenderhearted, compassionate acceptance. If it is difficult to feel compassion for yourself during the meditation sessions while confronting your dark past or unfavorable qualities, y