Loft City Church




Sermon: Clarification Dear LOFT Family: Below is the link to Sunday’s sermon that I preached on anxiety.    Depending on the context, fear and anxiety may be one of four types: (1) a God-given emotional response for our benefit, (2) a disordered physiological response that is not sinful, (3) a natural consequence of sin, or (4) sinful responses to God’s providential care. The anxiety that I was hoping to address in my sermon was #3 and #4. Let me explain: 1) A God-given emotional response for our benefit - If confronted with an immediate threat to our life—such as encountering a wild, dangerous animal—we should be respectfully fearful enough to flee for our own safety and survival. An immediate feeling of anxiety or fear may trigger a natural, God-given emotional response for survival. That sort of anxiety is rarely what we’d consider sinful. 2) A disordered physiological response that is not sinful (i.e. clinical anxiety). For some people, anxiety manifest as a physiological malfunction that has become bo