Face 2 Face With David Peck

Ian Tyson



 Ian talks about leadership, why attitude is so important, why misery is a choice, consistency and why he’s an unapologetic nerd.  Biography Since his years in high school, Ian Tyson has never shied away from the stage. From drama productions to his many years as a student leader, performing and motivating have always gone hand in hand. Ian has parlayed his passion for comedy and entertaining with his desire to inspire change in others into a 25+ year career as one of the top speakers in North America. The middle child of 3 kids, Ian grew up in St. Thomas, Ontario where he still makes his home and is the proud father of two teenagers. Ian draws much of his inspiration from tales of his childhood. From the humorous: Recess! Eating paste, and playing superheroes, to the touching: how we define our friends, and dealing with the loss of his mother at the age of 10. Combine this with his extensive training in leadership and a more than-healthy dose of pop-culture references and you have the recipe for Ian's presen