Gg2h-angela J. Perry

Season 2: Episode 19: Giving up homeschooling YOUR KIDS while homeschooling with Angela Malakah Phillips



Leaving a career as a motivational trainer with Los Angeles County Office of Education was a difficult decision. In June 2007 Angela Phillips decided to do just that after having recently married and giving birth to the first of a new crew of children she affectionately calls her “littles”. Having been a single mom raising 3 children while pursuing a career; she decided this would be a completely new and different chapter in her life. Angela is now mom of 6 offspring age 34 yrs old to 9 The idea of homeschooling was introduced to her by a Sister in her spiritual fellowship. She incorporates her motivational style and experience as a seasoned trainer into her educational activities and believes travel and cultural experiences are just as important for her children as curriculum choice. Angela combines workbooks, project learning, field trips and interest lead learning to create an eclectic approach to her children’s education. This amazing Mom has recently authored and released a book about her experiences as