Faith Troy Sermons




When we experience adversity in our lives, it does not mean that God is absent. One of the reasons Jesus came to Earth was to explain God. We will never get closer to understanding God than knowing Jesus. John 9:1-38 v.2 Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind? Jesus says the question is wrong. Isn't it possible that God is bigger than we imagined Him to be? Jesus showed up to make it clear that nobody is outside of the bounds of God's mercy and God's grace. Our Heavenly Father takes a personal interest in individual people. One of the most powerful things about Jesus' ministry is that he chose to heal people one person at a time. v.35 When Jesus found him, he asked, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" Fear thrives when we get focused on the pieces of the puzzle that are missing. When we shift our focus away from the things that we can't explain and onto the things that we can't deny, our faith grows.