Wilde About Wellbeing

When Your Home Is Your Workplace: 5 ways to distinguish your weekend from your weekdays, and make time for important things



I wasn’t going to post this podcast today, but I realised something important: White people who are saying I DON’T HAVE TIME to educate myself on race issues, like it’s an excuse for saying the wrong thing / continuing to promote their products…   We need to make the time, and - frankly - if you’re White and not ALREADY making time to educate yourself on the history of Black oppression, you’re not trying hard enough.   This podcast feels more vital than ever in helping people FIND TIME. I get that many of us are working from home, and the pressure is immense to work 24/7, since we’re now CONSTANTLY in our workplace.   If we don’t have spare time to educate ourselves, we will never learn. And it’s time White people started learning harder about Black history, racism, and why it’s TIME FOR CHANGE. And part of finding time for the important stuff [the anti-racist movement should be top of your agenda right now, if you’re White] is being able to distinguish weekend from weekdays.   In this podcast, I talk about t