Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 75, Human Preference



In this episode, I explain our human preference in how we choose to live our lives. We all have the same preferences, seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and saving energy. When we make decisions such as drinking or not drinking these preferences come into play. The more you can understand and see these preferences in your daily life the more power you can have to over-ride them. We make decisions based on how we think we will feel and we don't like to feel uncomfortable so our preference is to avoid feeling uncomfortable. But when we choose the less uncomfortable way we don't move forward with the way we actually want to live. In this episode, I give you 3 real-life examples of how our innate preference shows up and directs us and how you can over-ride that preference to move towards your goals. Request a 20-minute call to see if joining my Stop Over-drinking and Start Living program is right for you. CLICK HERE to request a call.