Educate For Life With Kevin Conover

097 Are Christians Being Persecuted in America? – Blaine Adamson, Jim Campbell, and David Jones



Imagine if you or someone you know lost their job or business because of their point of view. Imagine if they were being pressured to endorse a view they disagreed with and they got fired because they refused to cave. This is exactly what happened to our guests Blaine Adamson and David Jones. Their religious freedom has been challenged. Today on Educate For Life, Kevin talks to two people who have been targeted because of their beliefs on one issue. Blaine Adamson is a printer in Kentucky who was sued for declining to print shirts endorsing a gay pride event. He and his attorney, Jim Campbell, will describe what happened in his case and how they argued that no one should be forced to endorse a view they don’t agree with. You will also hear the story of David Jones. David was a teacher in the San Diego area who was fired. David was being pressured to call one of his female students as a boy. But because of his Christian beliefs, he concluded that doing so would violate his conscience. Not only was he being tol