Mister Beacon

Full Stack Beacon Solutions



Imagine a full solution, created with such ease of set up that businesses big and small alike could have a proximity marketing campaign set up in minutes - This has been Mobstac’s guiding principle. This week on Mr. Beacon, Ravi Pratap, CTO & co-founder of Mobstac, talks to us about why he believes that Bluetooth beacon applications are led by software. Ravi explains that proximity marketing, indoor location, and way finding will only be as successful as the quality of the software that is available to leverage the technology. Mobstac’s track record is a testament to this, with one of the largest beacon deployments in the world and working with customers such as T-Mobile, Google, Amazon, and Unilever. In this episode, we also get Ravi’s opinions on the state of the beacon industry, as well as the decline of Google Eddystone’s Nearby and Samsung’s Closeby.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.