Distraction Pieces Podcast With Scroobius Pip

DrunkCast (Mk5) - Part 2 - Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip #118



Triple-welcome shot of Distraction Pieces DrunkCast boozed up, sloppy and over-long welcomes upon your good selves, for the second installment of EPISODE 118! And the FIFTH installment of DrunkCasts. The three merry men with solid steel livers will take you through safely and in most entertaining fashion... Let's do this... Moving swiftly through live comedy, clubs, and that infamous beer-ad series, we land a solid right hook on the subject of MMA and UFC and everything within - you knew it was coming, come on now... Fan or not, engage yaself with some sideline gossip, speculation and observation, and get involved... And if you don't enjoy MMA, let's get you a McRib and you can come back when the next installment kicks in, mmm? Goddammit. Now I want a McRib. No. No I don't. Alright we're good. • SCROOBIUS PIP: @Scroobiuspipyo • CHRIS GLASSON: @redshiftrebels • STU WHIFFEN: @stuwhiffen • SPEECH DEVELOPMENT: http://www.scroobiuspip.co.uk • WHIFF INN beer pumps supplied by love-beer.co.uk (reluctant...