Employer Branding Podcast

How HSBC Banks on Employee Advocacy, with Camila Romuld



Banking. Probably not the first industry you think of when discussing employee advocacy. How can a bank use workforce marketing at scale? I’ve spoken to Camila Romuld of HSBC to find out more. Questions: Tell us about HSBC and what you do there, please. What prompted HSBC to launch an employee advocacy program? Was there any particular problems you were looking to solve? What types of content do you distribute to employees and what type of content tends to get the most intention and engagement? What have been some of the main benefits to HSBC and also what are some of the main benefits to the employees in this program? In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently? Do you find that employees who are active members of this program are they more engaged employees? How do you measure success and can you share your results? Can you tie back this success to actual ROI? What has surprised you the most about employee advocacy? What's next for HSBC and employee advocacy in general? And also a tri