Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

Actor, John Voldstad



During the 90’s many of us looked forward to the wit and humor of the Bob Newhart Show, with Bob and his collection of eccentric characters. From this series came the brilliant introduction, “Hi this is Daryl... and my other brother Daryl!” John Voldstad, is the comedic actor who was the other brother Daryl for eight seasons who is also this episode's distinguished guest. Very seldom do we get to meet, yet alone can we understand the real person behind the brilliance of the characters we love and admire. This is why the dynamics of our Sound Behavior format is compelling. Imagine just the thought of providing such understanding... "The Why You Do", as our guests participate with their own personal ProScan assessment to learn about themselves. John was my guest on episode #014 and we talked about his career, the other brother Daryl character and other interesting pieces of nostalgia. But he hadn't taken a ProScan... So, because I didn't know his particular behaviors and I was extremely curious needing to