Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Sick of Trucking News



Sick of trucking news. Lately the news in trucking is just down right depressing. All you hear is how unsafe it is to go into cities and how there is no freight. Just recently a few truck drivers made the headlines just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A trucker in Minnesota was surprised as he came around a turn and discovered a mob on a bridge he had to cross. This of course being a surprise, conduced the driver as he started across the bridge. The rioters approached the driver in an aggressive manor which in turn caused the driver to move forward. In the end there was a trucker dragged from his rig and beaten and arrested. Another driver in St. Louis was put in a situation when the mob tried to break into his truck. He eventually mashed on the fuel and refused tp stop. Unfortunately a protester was caught between the two trailers he was pulling and of course the young man lost his life. The truck driver did not even know he had killed someone until he was pulled over several miles later and i