5 Smooth Stones

Finally, why many Christians don't support BLM, marching or protesting. Pt.2



 PART-2 ** Ministers respond to Black Lives Matter, marching and protest on blogtalkradio ** Tune in to hear what some leading clergy teaches regarding Black Lives Matter, protesting and marching against the police brutality and the government they elected. Many feel those born again in Christ through the blood of Christ are neither black nor white, and that this new man's identity trumps any physical identity in the flesh. Furthermore, many believe the bible teaches that this new creation of saints has no responsibility to the racism, white supremacy in this secular system, outside of warring with it in the spirit. Then there are those who teach that the bible says that police and those in authority are not to be handled in this way as we are seeing across the globe, and more. [NOTE: Views of our guest doesn't necessarily reflect those of the creator of this network or the show's panelist] JOIN THE PANEL & NATIONAL CALLERS TUESDAY JUNE 23, 2020 8PM CST. TO LISTEN/COMMENT (914) 205 5590 8PM CST. CLIC