

Katie Kuffel is a composer and musician based in Seattle, Washington. Her first full-length album, Pearls, was released in October of 2015 after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Her first EP, Animal Pragmatist, was released in 2013. Katie’s songwriting is both innovative and thoughtful, with a contemporary sound that draws from blues, jazz, and folk music as well as her training in classical cello and jazz piano. An openly queer artist, she explores concepts of sexuality and femininity throughout her works. Katie has been featured as the musical act in popular podcast Welcome to Nightvale, and in PopMatters as one of the ‘best musical hopes to break out on 2016.' In the words of author Adam Finley: Pearls sounds like alternate-reality Regina Spektor, heavily steeped in the Pacific Northwest with bright piano and a gorgeous voice gliding, rich and effortless, through craftily constructed songs that balance whimsy and self-awareness. Pearls is available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Bandcamp, and Katie