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Understanding how people perceive nature Nicholas Yarmey and Steven DiFalco



Nick did his Master's at the University of Connecticut studying what people think about black bears and black bear management. He has also researched human-beaver coexistence, and media portrayals of grizzly bear conservation. Now he's a research associate at the University of Alberta, where he uses GIS to understand the impacts of resource development on human wellbeing, particularly for Indigenous and rural communities. Twitter: @NickYarmey ​Steven is currently finishing his master's at the University of Connecticut, studying people's perceptions of roadside tree trimming. The goal of the project is to create more sustainable management decisions to mitigate conflicts. He has an interest in invasive species, native pollinators, and map-making. Steven likes using iNaturalist, which is an online community of citizen scientists, to document and discover species found while exploring local protected areas. Twitter: @stevendifalco  / website: stevendifalco.githu