Ajc Radio Spotlight

AJC Radio - Voices Behind the Wall - The Voices of the Innocent – Pt.2



FROM THE ARCHIVES …NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!!! A Just Cause discusses what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of American citizens.   Our Special Guest for tonight's show is Fernando Bermudez, who was convicted in 1991 of murdering a teen outside of a nightclub in New York City. The most damning evidence against him: His photo was misidentified by five teenage witnesses. The youngsters who put him behind bars later recanted their testimony, however, saying that prosecutors and police had pressured them into pinning Bermudez as the killer. There was no evidence to prove such allegations. A Just Cause is currently campaigning for "FreeTheIRP6," who are wrongly imprisoned in Florence, CO for a crime they didn't commit. Read full story: www.freetheirp6.org.  For more information, about A Just Cause and to Donate to the IRP6 legal defense fund, visit www.a-justcause.com. Follow us on Twitter: @AJCRadio, @A_JustCause, @FreeTheeIRP6,  @FreeeTheIRP6 and Like our Facebook Pages: h