Mercy Mercy Mercy

Mercy -3- Erin-Thérèse - on Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary - Totus2us



Erin-Thérèse, 1 of the Totus2us team, from the US: "After I became pregnant, I realised I loved this child in the womb for being just what they were, just for existing, just for being alive, and life being so beautiful and precious. I loved my daughter before I knew who she was, I loved her for who she was before I knew who she was. So I could feel God looking at me in that way and I learned that when God looks at each of us He sees for what we really are, which is the child in the womb, his child. And it has become much easier for me to have mercy. On people that I become irritated with or am likely to judge, I take a moment to remember them as the child that they are and I'm able to see them as God sees them in some small way, and that helps me to try to love them as God loves them, and I think finally to begin to see myself and accept myself in the grace of being a child of God." Music by Joe Zambon. For much more, visit which is inspired by Blessed John Paul II, Papa Benedict XVI and Pope Fra