Lost Hemisphere Radio

LHR ep92: Vengeance Pt3



Hello Losties! Thank you for your patience. We know it's been a slog  - a Three Episode slog, to be precise - but we're finally here at Part Three of our wander through Vengeance. Curious as to how many times Gdaybloke can mix up Issyria and Elara's names? You'll have to listen to find out! Thankfully Northblade's here to keep things on track, and just to add some genuine in-game know-how, we dragged along the guy who won Adepticon's Masters tournament and Iron Gauntlet qualifier as a guest. We're pretty sure he'll correct us on all our rules misunderstandings.Fill your ears with Lost natterings via iTunes, or this here linky: LINKY!Lost HemisphereBroken Egg GamesDragon Forge DesignKR MulticasePrivateer Press