Lean Body Buffalo Podcast

Which Is Better- Big "Box" Gym or Boutique Studio



As a fitness and fat loss professional for over 20 years, this is the question I get all the time. A typical question from a prospect or someone who is just trying to learn more about us will often ask " so what is better.. a big "box" gym or a private studio?" Now don't get me wrong I am someone who has been into health, fitness, and wellness my whole life. I have been into literally hundreds of Gyms. I have worked at, consulted with, and assisted in many gyms ranging from big "chain" gyms to smaller independently owned gyms and I love them all! However, that's me. So regarding the "what is better" question... My answer is ALWAYS the same.. It depends! Now, I know that answer may surprise some of you BUT the answer really does depend. You see everybody is different. Everyone has different likes, dislikes, and tastes. In this episode, I outline the pros and cons of each.  My hope is that you make an educated decision on which is best for you! #buffalopersonaltraining #weightloss #fatlossbuffalo Lets Conn