
Los candados del amor



In our 158th episode: Locks of love, Cira and Juanjo are brother and sister. In their family there are four brothers and sisters, 3 girls and the younger brother one, Juanjo. Cira is the older of all, is 23 years old and Juanjo (family name of Juan José) is the younger of them. They both are always very confident each one mutually, that is because (now Juanjo has a dilemma) he prompts doubts to his older sister, Cira. The thing is that Penelope, the girlfriend of Juanjo, wants to put a lock of love in the handrails of the Barceloneta beach, in Barcelona. Juanjo likes the idea, but he is terrorized their friends can see it and they´ll take his leg. Let's see if Juanjo clarifies his ideas after the conversation with his older sister. En nuestro episodio número 158 : Los candados del amor, Cira y Juanjo son hermanos. En la familia hay cuatro hermanos, 3 chicas y el pequeño, Juanjo. Cira es la mayor, tiene 23 años; y Juanjo (denominación familiar de Juan José) es el pequeño. Siempre ha habido una gran confianza