
Juego de pistas /adivina el título)



In our 131st episode (Clue Game) we are going to play a game in which we are giving you some clues about some TV Shows in order you can guess which are them. As we were working on the last episode, we thought that it would be very useful for your spanish to make this guessing game. We give you four clues as well as the TV main theme of several TV Shows and we let you discover the title. Some of them are so simple that they become the definition itself of the show but even in that case we think it will be very useful to practice your spanish. We hope that you learn a lot but most important you enjoy with us with this wonderful memories of these mythical TV Show. En nuestro episodio número 131 (Juego de Pistas/Adivina el título) jugamos a dar indicadores sobre algunas series de televisión, para que vosotros adivinéis cuáles son. Ana y yo, mientras trabajábamos en el episodio anterior dedicados a las series televisivas, pensamos que sería muy útil para vuestro español hacer otro episodio que fuera un juego de a