
Mis condolencias



In our 80th episode: Jose Maria's father, our beloved Spanish as a Second Language teacher, has passed away. He was a very old man, 89 years old, and he died what is called a "natural" death, in other words, death from old age. Jose Maria's father died yesterday, which is why Jose Maria didn't come to the Spanish Academy today, as he does every Monday. The students Shu Chan, Dariusz, Vinicius, Natsumi, David, Hanakawhi, Giuseppe and Elisabeth (yes, yes, they're our friends, the Spanish students from the Don Juan episode) have asked Claudia, their Spanish writing teacher, to accompany them this hour so that together they can review the most common and usual expressions of condolence in Spanish. Let's go find out what these expressions of condolence are. En nuestro episodio nº 80, el padre de José María, nuestro querido profesor de Español Segunda Lengua, ha muerto. Era un hombre muy mayor, de 89 años de edad y ha muerto de lo que se llama "muerte natural", es decir, la muerte por vejez en este caso. El padre